2295 Lemon Grove Ave, Lemon Grove, CA 91945

(619) 467-7171

2295 Lemon Grove Ave, Lemon Grove, CA 91945

(619) 467-7171


Auto Fiberglass Repair

Speedway Auto Body and Paint's auto fiberglass repair experts specialize in restoring any vehicle with an eye for detail. Our primary mission is to provide unsurpassed quality auto repair at reasonable prices. We offer top-of-the-line products and services using advanced technology, industry best practices, and professional knowledge to ensure your auto fiberglass repairs will be done efficiently and safely. We stand behind our work, so you never have to worry about getting a lousy job or low-quality parts again. With years of experience in auto repair, you can rest assured that when it comes time for auto fiberglass repairs, we'll be your go-to resource. In addition, we offer auto restorations and bumper repair services! To schedule a repair today with Speedway Auto Body and Paint!